Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The 30-day Challenge

So today was the day. I've steadily put on weight since I graduated high school, but no one has ever said, "You need to lose weigh." Pretty impressive, considering that I'm almost 2 1/2 clicks on the scale. I suppose that because I've never FELT out of place or fat or shunned or anything like that from those whom I've encountered, I always thought my problems with my weight were solely mine. I could rationalize that it's all in my head and that would be fine. As long as people were still impressed with my personality and could get past the big ga-dunk-gadunk behind that followed me, I was cool.

But today was the day. Someone, who I barely know, asked why I'm overweight. I realized a lot of things with that answer...none of which are comfortable. Being 5'2 and a size 18/20 is NOT a good thing. I realized that I have failed at losing weight not because I'm lazy or dirty or anything like that. I have failed at losing weight because it's not something I can do alone.

It's a hard realization for me. In every other aspect of my life, I am completely comfortable with self-accountability. Not here, though. There hasn't been anyone to help me, really. To tell me what it is that I need to do and CHALLENGE me to do it.

She did. She gave me 4 things that I said I "Can" do...not want to do. There is a difference. And she challenged me to do these things every day for 30 days. I would see a difference. No folks, this isn't acai berries or chromium picolinate or whatever the latest diet is. Nope, this is common sense stuff: 1) drink 4 glasses of water a day (she's easing me into it) 2) reduce portions 3) walk 15 minutes a day 4) eliminate 1 bad food from your eating habits.

So, the gauntlet has been tossed. This blog will be a daily record of my challenges and successes. I've spent 20 years putting the weight on. It won't be easy, but I'm ready.

1 comment:

  1. Cathie, you can definitely do it! If you put your mind to it...its amazing what can happen. Do the things that you outlined in your blog entry and you'll see the results after those 30 days. Don't get discouraged after a week or two of working out and dieting, cause for some individuals it takes 3 weeks to see significant results. After that though you'll be amazed how quickly the pounds fall off.

    Good luck!

