Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Decision Day (and this time, I mean it!)

I officially have gained the "freshman 30".  Except that I'm not in college :(.  In my first year back to work full-time, I have put on that much weight. Ugh. 

So, today's the day. I have made the decision to never see that number on the scale again.  No, that doesn't mean that I'm going to close my eyes when I weigh myself.  It means that I'm changing my ways. And I mean it this time.

I've struggled with my weight all of my adult life. Sometimes, I've fought really hard. Sometimes, I've given up. But, I'm inspired by some of my friends and acquaintances who have lost a serious amount of weight. I know that I'm not like them and that I have challenges unique to me in losing weight.  I *know* I need support, guidance, and advice. I welcome it all.

My goal is not a number on the scale.  It's a feeling.  It's a vision. I'll get there when I get there, but I have made the decision to work at it every day. No matter what.

Today's the day.

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