Thursday, October 8, 2009

If at first you don't succeed, lower your standards

Okay, not really.

I'm not ashamed to admit that these last couple of days have been challenging for me in terms of "the Challenge". Tuesdays through Thursdays are just chaotic. It's difficult to remember where I'm supposed to be at any given time, let alone remember to do my four things. I've been a little negligent in the 15 minute walks and the four glasses of water. However, I have been doing pretty well on reducing my portions and I still have not had a McDouble since this whole thing began.

I realized too why I eat. Rarely, it's because I'm hungry. Usually, I eat because it's there, I'm happy, I'm sad, I'm nervous, I'm bored, it looks or smells good, it's time, blah, blah, blah. But not because I'm hungry. That is starting to change. I find that I'm asking myself "Do I need this? Am I hungry?" If the answer is "no", then I put the food down. SCORE!

So the challenge continues. So far, I think I'm in the lead.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Day 2 & 3--Walking? No, but...

Regular walking on a track, a treadmill or even around my attractive, yet circular neighborhood has never been something that I've done on a regular basis. There's something mundane about being stationary or repetitive. It just doesn't hold my interest (EXCUSE!). So for Day 2 & 3, I found myself being a little experimental with my exercise. Last summer, I bought the Core Rhythms Latin Dance exercise video. It's a lot of fun and I really liked it last year. The problem was that it KILLED my lower back. Well, yesterday, the weather was rainy and cold, not walking weather for me at all (EXCUSE!!). So I decided to break out the dancing DVD. After dancing to this DVD for 10 minutes, I felt as of I had walked around the neighborhood TWICE! This is my kind of exercise! Maximum sweat in minimal time. Yahoo!

Today, I spent most of the day cleaning the kitchen and washing laundry. Trust me, that's exercise too.

Friday, October 2, 2009

One day down...

Day one of my 30-day challenge was a good day. I felt positive about the eating choices I made and I checked off each of my daily goals:
--no fast food
--4 glasses of water
--20 minutes of walking with Sam and Tuffy
--reduced portions; had soup instead of soup & sandwich, had Italian beef without the bun
--an Affirmation--I am faithful and unstoppable.

I do think I need to get a new scale, though. I weighed myself this morning and was six pounds lighter. Oh, if that were only true.