Friday, October 2, 2009

One day down...

Day one of my 30-day challenge was a good day. I felt positive about the eating choices I made and I checked off each of my daily goals:
--no fast food
--4 glasses of water
--20 minutes of walking with Sam and Tuffy
--reduced portions; had soup instead of soup & sandwich, had Italian beef without the bun
--an Affirmation--I am faithful and unstoppable.

I do think I need to get a new scale, though. I weighed myself this morning and was six pounds lighter. Oh, if that were only true.

1 comment:

  1. remember that your weight can vary 5-6lbs each day based on factors like: hormones, sodium intake, hydration level, etc. when i was a weight watchers leader, they strongly encouraged the folks losing weight to pick one day each week at the same time each day and weigh themselves. there's too much fluctuation on a daily basis to weigh daily and get an accurate result.
