Saturday, January 12, 2013

Playing hot potato

Remember "hot potato"?  You and a group of friends would pass a ball or a rock around the circle. When the music stopped, the person with the "potato" was out. The game would continue until there were just two of you and you would feverishly pass the potato back and forth. You. Her. You. Her. You. Her. Two pounds off. Two pounds on. Off. On. Off. On...

That's where I've been since before Christmas; playing hot potato with the same two pounds. ugh.

It seems like I'm doing all that I should be. I'm staying under 1,200 calories a day, drinking lots of water (I haven't had a Diet Pepsi in ages) and taking my medicine the right way every day.  But, apparently, I've hit a wall.  I can't eat less. So, I've decided to try the thing I dread...exercise.

My Little Minion is a very overweight eight year old.  Like me, he has a slow metabolism.  He eats well and is as active as a normal eight year old boy, but "normal" doesn't work with our bodies. He has said repeatedly that he wants to run like his dad (who's a marathon runner) and I need a fitness buddy who is near the same exercise capacity as me. Hmm. Spending time with my son, doing something together that's good for us. Ding, ding!  We have a winner!

There is a fabulous running store in Valparaiso called Extra Mile Fitness.  They are putting on 5k and 1/2 marathon training programs this spring. Group runs are on Tuesday nights and Saturday mornings. Best of all, Little Minion can train with me!  I'm going to the call out meeting on the 23rd to find out more.  In the event that the runs conflict with his soccer games (also on Tuesday nights and Saturday mornings), we'll train on our own.  I found a highly rated Couch to 5K app for the iPhone called "Get Running".  It's $2.99 and tracks all sorts of data. It acts like a personal trainer, giving you alerts on when to run/walk during your runs. Plus, Marathon Man gave my first pair of REAL running shoes for Christmas, so I really don't have any more excuses.

I'm still determined to lose 65 pounds this year and keep it off for the rest of my life.

If I can just stop playing hot potato...

Thursday, December 27, 2012

22 and counting. By this time next year...

I'm sooo ready to say "hello" to 2013.  Bring it on!  2012 was a year of extreme highs and lows for me. I'm looking forward to a more emotionally stable year, that's for sure.  Here are some highlights of the year that was:
  • Great year professionally. I feel like I did good work this year.  There's room for improvement, but there were no major catastrophes and I met 95% of my fundraising goals for the organization. 
  • Gained 30 pounds in eight months, but, in October, I decided to make some permanent changes to my weight and I've lost 22 pounds in two months so far. 
  • More than one significant relationship in my life either vanished or changed which was painful, but I now know how I'm perceived by these people and truth is good. 
  • Took more day-trips with the family this year. It may not always seemed like a good idea at the time, but, insisting on "whole-family time out of the house" months ago is resulting in stronger bonds between all of us now. That too is good.  
When I set personal goals for the coming year, I write them down as if I've already reached them. It's a challenging exercise because it causes me to really discern what I have control over in my life and what I don't.  I have also found that setting goals that are beyond one year is ridiculous. It's a good idea to have a vision of what you want, but a successful and happy life requires flexibility and adaptation.  This article is a great example of setting yourself up for utter failure.

So, with that, here is how "2013" turned out for me.

  • I feel so much fuller and richer now that I've stopped focusing on serving God and started focusing on knowing God.  I didn't realize how superficial my relationship with Him was.  I've been reading more about faith and putting more of my life into God's hands. I really took the Church's "Year of Faith" to heart and I love the knowledge and peace I've gained.
Marriage & Family
  • I had so much fun on our family long weekend getaway this year. This one is a left over from last year.
  • My interaction with the kids has been much more focused and positive.  I've really enjoyed playing games with them more often and I've tried to always have a positive tone in my voice and be more affectionate with both of them. We laugh more and have enjoyed each other more than ever. 
  • The weekend trip Steve and I took to celebrate our 20th wedding anniversary was perfect.  I really wanted do something super meaningful for him to celebrate what an amazing husband, person and friend he is to me.
  • I did it!  I stuck to my plan and lost 65 pounds this year!  I hit my weight loss goal and I feel fantastic.  I have so much more energy and I look great.  As a reward to myself, I bought those black boots I've wanted for forever.  Love them!
  • I'm in such a better place emotionally now that I believe in my self-worth. I don't react so intensely and personally to the negative things people say and do to me.
  • The special events for the Club were so successful this year! Plus, I love that I was able to add my own personal touch to each of them. I had so much fun this year! Met this goal last year, and it's a good one, so I'm keeping it on again.

  • I did a really good job working with Steve in getting our financial house in order.  Last year was a disaster. But, I improved my communication with him so we were always aware of what was going to be spent before it was.  We caught up on all our bills and our emergency fund is fully-funded.  Plus we had plenty of money saved for Christmas this year. 
Live long and prosper. Peace and long life.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

I can feel my face!

I've lost 20 pounds!!  I'm starting to feel it in my face, which is a strong indicator for me.  I can actually feel my jawbone and that's BIG progress. I know I've said that I'm not setting a weight goal, but I've changed my mind.  I want to get back down to my pre-pregnancy weight...from my first child 16 years ago.  When I reach that, I'll have lost a total of 85 pounds.  It will take time, but it's on my radar and I know I'll get there.

StrawberryI've found a new breakfast routine which I absolutely love. Every morning, I start out with Yoplait Strawberry Greek Yogurt.  Honestly, I have no idea what makes it "Greek", but it tastes yummy, keeps my energy level high and my mind feeling balanced.  If I do start to feel a little hungry late in the morning, I grab a string cheese.  Fun to eat and loads of calcium.  Total consumption for the morning is 240 delicious and high energy calories.

Christmas is seven days away and I'm pretty confident I can maintain my weight as it is.  I'm hopeful that I will lose a couple of more pounds before the end of year.

On a side note, I work with a youth service organization in Northwest Indiana.  Last night, a friend of mine was appearing as Santa at one of our facilities and gave the kids a chance to tell Santa what they want for Christmas.  Lots of kids asked for the latest hand-held game system, puppies and toys.  One little girl asked Santa for a bed for Christmas.  My friend told her  "Santa can't bring you a bed.  Is there toy you would like to have?" "No," she said, "I just want a bed to sleep on."

Be merry. Be grateful. Think of others. Give love.

Merry Christmas.

Monday, December 10, 2012

That's more my style

I'm sad to say that I did not lose any weight this week. I'm a little surprised because I feel like I've been moving more than usual. Lots of walking, for sure and I've been staying within my calorie goal. But, that's how my body works.  If I exercise, even a little bit, my body rebels and hangs on to the weight.  If I'm a slug, I drop pounds.

I'm motivated to lose it, though. More than ever.  Two friends of mine recently lost upwards of 60 pounds each and they look fabulous!  I'm still pretty, but I would love to look fabulous again.

I'm also motivated because I want these:
I saw these fab boots on and fell in love with them!  It's definitely time for a new pair.  I want to lose a little bit more in my calves so I can feel comfortable wearing them with tights and a skirt.  That's my style. I haven't worn anything like that for a while because it just doesn't look all that good on my present body shape.  And I do have standards.

Some day. Some day soon. You will be mine. Oh yes, you will be mine.

Monday, December 3, 2012

15 pounds less of me

I love surprises.  Good ones, any way.  This morning, I was completely surprised to look down at the scale and see that I've lost 15 pounds!

The jeans are fitting a little better and I'm not as huffy and puffy when I get to the top of the stairs at work.  Definitely improvements.  But 15 pounds since October 27th is pretty darn good, I say.

One of the most effective tools I'm using is Livestrong's MyPlate calorie tracker.  Since it's web-based, you can access it on your laptop or mobile device and track how many calories you consume, how much water  you drink and how many calories you burn throughout the day. There are thousands of food items in their data base, all with complete nutritional breakdowns. For iPhone users, I recommend spending $2.99 for the full version. 

Steve has been particularly supportive by making sure that I have food  items that are low-calorie/high energy available to me.  One of my favorite things that he's found is Town House Flipsides Cheddar Crackers.  Five tasty crackers only have 70 calories!  The boys love them too.

Still have a long way to go, but I'm encouraged.

On to the next five!

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Closing the door

For the first month of my new weight loss quest, I'm happy to report I lost 12 pounds.  Not too shabby.  Unfortunately, I didn't lose any weight this past week due to being sick and in bed most of the time.

The bigger news is that I'm finally coming to terms with a broken relationship. It's been a particularly long and difficult road and the stress from it is one of the reasons attributing to my weight gain this year.  For reasons I still do not (and will never) know, a very close relative of mine decided I was no longer to be a part of his life and he stopped talking to me.  Now, one of my strengths is self-accountability. I'm pretty aware when I've done something wrong and I'm the first to admit it.  For many months, I have been soul-searching for reasons to explain what I could have done to justify this person's estrangement from me.  And I come up with nothing. Nothing. I can't find any fault of mine that would cause this action from him.  Which logically means, that it's not me.  For whatever reason that I cannot explain, he just decided that he didn't want to love and accept me any more.  That's been hard. It's been hard to forgive, because there's no remorse.  It's been hard to accept that this is the way it will be, because I'm a hopeful person.  But, it's time to close the door. I can't continue to feel bad about something I didn't do.

I know I'm a good person. I love to feel loved and to express love. That's all I've ever wanted to do. I am surrounded by good people who love me. People who respect and accept me. And I'm holding on to that.

With all my might.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

The right mindset

Last week, I started a prescription weight loss medication.  I used this same medication last summer and lost almost 20 pounds in four weeks. But, I developed high blood pressure, so I stopped the medication. With that in mind, my doctor and I are proceeding carefully, but the fact of the matter is, I've gained 30 pounds since February and it (and more) needs to come off.

As my doctor and I were talking about going back on the medication, I told her about the stress factors in my life right now. She asked if I thought this was a good time to try to lose weight, which I thought was a strange question.  Of course, it is! When I lose weight, that will be a positive factor in my life which I need to help lessen the intensity of the negative. She said that you have to have the right mindset to lose weight.

Now, I'm beginning to see what she meant. I expected the pounds to melt off like last time, but, although I'm consuming less than 1,000 calories a day, the needle on the scale barely moved this week. How can that be?!  What mysterious metabolic disease do I have?! Oooh, maybe it's something new and I'll have a disease named after me!

I read this article and it all began to make sense to me. In it, the author says "When your body releases an excess of cortisol, this interferes with your metabolic processes. The release of stress hormones has been linked with a slowing down of the metabolism. So when you are dealing with a lot of stress, you may be eating the same amount of food as before but not burning off as many calories as you used to." That's me to a tee.  Even the "wonder drug" can't help me lose weight if I'm dealing (or not dealing) with stress.

So, that's the key to the weight loss treasure chest.  Changing my mindset will change my body.

Next happy place.